Smart Green Communities

what is smart green communities?

Smart Green Communities helps municipalities, townships & First Nation communities in Northeastern Ontario plan and prepare for a more sustainable future. 

We identify, support and enable the development of innovative solutions which increase efficiencies, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and save money! 

Receive expert energy management and planning support, training, and assistance. Become a Smart Green Communities Member.


Smart Green Communities offers flexible pricing to accommodate every organization. Contact us for further details.


Smart Green Communications helps you plan for a sustainable future:

  • Support and training on community energy and emissions planning processes

  • Information and assistance with funding applications, rebates, and other incentives

  • Networking

  • Coaching and support

Technical services include:

  • Facility Audits

  • Energy inventories and baseline profiles using carbon accounting software

reThink Green team members at the Municipal Office of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers.

Angela Jiang and Simon Blakeley at the Municipal Office of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers

Hand holding an infrared detector used in inspections.

past initiatives

manitoulin regional energy emissions plan

Manitoulin Island Regional Energy and Emissions Plan (MI-REEP) is an innovative economic and community development instrument focused on reducing energy costs, improving energy services, and reducing climate impacts for municipalities, businesses and residents on Manitoulin Island.

Speaker at a podium in front of seated audience.

north shore regional energy emissions plan

North Shore Regional Energy and Emissions Plan (NS-REEP) is an innovative economic and community development instrument focused on reducing energy costs, improving energy services, and reducing climate impacts for municipalities, businesses and residents on Manitoulin Island.

North Shore Municipal Office

interested in your community working with us?