Green Economy North
leading northern ontario in sustainable business
Green Economy North is a membership-based emissions reduction and sustainable business program of reThink Green.
We help businesses, not-for-profits, and the broader public sector reduce carbon emissions each year.
We offer affordable and tailored support to help you set and meet sustainability targets. Services include carbon emissions calculation and reporting, building walkthroughs, and action planning. See below for details on our process. We are the Northern Ontario hub of Green Economy Canada.
membership tracks
Develop your organization’s resiliency and competitive edge at your own pace. We offer 3 distinct membership tracks, for members at every level in their sustainability journey.
Just getting started and want to learn more? Discover could be for you!
Ready to start monitoring your emissions? Insight has what it takes.
Looking to set the pace for Canadian sustainable businesses? Lead is the track to help you do it.
Learn more about these membership tracks from Green Economy Canada, and carbon accounting software from CarbonHound.
the milestone process
We guide Insight and Lead members through the Milestone Process.
milestone 1: get engaged
Get oriented at our kick-off meeting and get to know the community. Let’s talk data, emissions sources, and first steps.
milestone 2: measure your footprint
Perform a baseline energy walk-through, produce an emissions report with our Impact Tracking Tool, and understand where there is room for improvement.
milestone 3: set a target
Mobilize your Green Team, outline your emission reduction goals and pathways, and commit to an action plan.
milestone 4: achieve results
Save money, build connections, and demonstrate leadership! Participate in quarterly check-ins and stay up to date with new resources, incentives, and opportunities to succeed.
sign up
If you are interested in joining Green Economy North, please complete this form. The information you enter below will be used to provide your quote for annual membership fee.