rethink green publications
strategic plan (2022)
The reThink Green Strategic Plan 2022-2027 builds upon the strong foundation of the insightful work of Innoweave, and the Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD) and is informed by, and aligns with, community partners, staff, and key stakeholders. The new Strategic Plan represents the culmination of this work and the efforts, thoughts, and contributions of many – all of which were instrumental to defining our actions over the next five years.
summary note
In this time of rapid change, reThink Green has compiled a summary note to guide you through the climate science you need to know to start your low-carbon journey!
annual reports
Rethink Green Annual Reports contain a summary of the impacts and results from all of our programs in a given year. They contain statements from our leaders, details about our award winners, photographs of our activities as well as lists of staff, members, funders and sponsors. 2016-18 Annual Reports also contain reports about all our Green Economy North members.
low-carbon retrofit project (2020-21)
This project was to conduct a feasibility study into retrofitting a downtown Sudbury building to a high environmental standard. It also examined the types of green buildings, the benefits they provide and the need for Greater Sudbury to adopt more sustainable building practices. It was funded by the Investment Readiness Program through Community Foundations of Canada.

regional energy and emissions plans (2018-2021)
This project created Regional Energy and Emissions Plans (REEPs) for Manitoulin Island and the North Shore Region. These plans bring together hard data, our technical expertise as well as input from citizens and community leaders about their values and priorities. In creating these plans, we engaged with 25 municipalities, townships and indigenous communities. This project was funded by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and the Independent Electricity Service Operator (IESO).
building a low-carbon future for sudbury & manitoulin (2019)
This research report contains the findings from the 2018 Sudbury-Manitoulin Low-Carbon Building Skills Partnership Project. This project researched the current availability and readiness of our workforce to provide low-carbon building skills. It was a collaboration between reThink Green and Workforce Planning for Sudbury & Manitoulin. It was funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.
ribfest waste audit (2019)
In 2019, we collaborated with Downtown Sudbury to assess and divert the waste created by the annual RibFest. This report contains information about the qualities and types of waste as well as recommendations for future mitigation. Unfortunately, RibFest was cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic so we have not yet had the opportunity to implement these suggestions.
sustainable transportation infographics (2019)
ReThink Green was funded by the City of Greater Sudbury to create a series of infographics for social media about sustainable transportation. This series focuses on alternative methods of reducing car usage beyond bicycling or public transit.
business energy and emissions profile (2017)
This report is a collaboration between reThink Green and Climate Smart to assess the energy and emissions of the SME sector in Greater Sudbury. The report provides insights into the sectors and types (natural gas, transportation, waste, and electricity) that contribute to SME emissions. The results are contained in a summary report as well as an interactive dashboard.
ma-sh-ki-ki-ke: a story of healing, pous nous et pour la terre (2020)
This submission created by reThink Green staff in collaboration with community members. It was selected as a finalist in the Sudbury 2050 urban design competition.