Our Team


Portrait of reThink Green Chief Executive Officer Leigha Benford

leigha benford | chief executive officer

Leigha has a graduate diploma in Science Communication from Laurentian University and a Bachelor’s degree in Bio-Resource Management from the University of Guelph

Leigha has been with reThink Green since 2016, first as Communications Director and now as its Chief Executive Officer.

Leigha believes that Sudbury has a major role to play in the environmental movement for northern Ontario communities.

Sustainability matters to Leigha for “a million reasons, but now mostly because I’m a mom. I want my daughter to grow up with clean water, clean air, and access to everything that I’ve been able to access. I do what I do for her and her generation.”

When Leigha isn’t working on reThink Green programs and advancing sustainability she practices yoga, active living and healthy eating. She can often be found outside enjoying what Sudbury has to offer with her family.

Portrait of Regional Manager Program Development Simon Blakeley

simon blakeley | regional manager program development & government relations

green economy north

Simon Blakeley has a Masters’ Degree in Urban Environmental Design, an Undergraduate Degree in Geography and Planning, and a Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Business & Administration.

Simon has approximately 16 years’ international experience, supporting and enabling sustainable business practices, across different levels of government, not-for-profits, academia, and the private sector. Simon is an active member of the Board of Directors at the North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA) and the North Bay & District Multicultural Centre (NBDMC). He is also one of the founding members of Next Economy: North Bay (NENB).

david gagnon | green economy technical officer

green economy north

Born in Greater Sudbury in Northern Ontario, Canada, David Gagnon is a multidisciplinary artist with work ranging from the architectural to collage to the written and more. He graduated from Laurentian University’s McEwen School of Architecture with a Master’s degree in architecture in April of 2021 with a thesis titled Post Apocalypse of the Future: Architectural Potentiality in a changing world.

His thesis explored ideas of climate change, apocalypse, science fiction, and how architecture and people might necessarily adapt to such a changing world. Since then, he has also started a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology at Yorkville University, which he hopes to complete in 2025.

destiny roy | program coordinator

smart commute sudbury

Destiny Roy's journey began amidst the serene landscapes of Elliot Lake, where the forest served as her childhood backyard. Her early connection with nature ignited a passion for environmental advocacy, a flame that continued to burn brightly even after her family's relocation to London, Ontario.

Returning to Northern Ontario to attend Laurentian University, Destiny delved into the Environmental Restoration and Regreening programs, delving into the ongoing initiatives shaping Sudbury's environmental landscape. Armed with a Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Earth Science from Laurentian University, Destiny's quest for knowledge led her to Cambrian College. Here, she honed her skills through the Environmental Monitoring and Impact Assessment graduate certificate course, gaining practical insights into the complexities of environmental projects.

Recognizing the intricate logistics involved in large-scale environmental endeavors, Destiny pursued further education, successfully completing the Program Management graduate certificate program at Cambrian College last year.

Throughout her academic journey, Destiny actively engaged in community initiatives, raising awareness about environmental, social, and societal issues. Notably, she revitalized the Paris Street Community garden as its manager, securing a community grant to enhance the space with a vibrant mural, benches, and fresh soil. This project exemplified her commitment to simultaneously benefitting the local community and the environment.

Currently serving as the Program Coordinator for Greater Sudbury's Smart Commute program, Destiny channels her passion into promoting sustainable travel practices within the community. In this role, she eagerly collaborates with local businesses, aiming to establish Greater Sudbury as a beacon of environmentally conscious commuting practices.

Destiny Roy embodies the spirit of a dedicated environmental steward and community leader, seamlessly blending her academic achievements with hands-on initiatives to create a positive impact on both local ecosystems and the people who inhabit them. As she navigates the intersection of education, community engagement, and environmental advocacy, Destiny continues to inspire positive change in the Greater Sudbury region.

amy hallman-grout | registered energy advisor

northern home energy assessment program

Amy Hallman-Grout is a Registered Energy Advisor (REA). She is very excited to be on the reThink Green team and helping to continue to build the Northern Home Energy Assessment (NHEA) program. Amy is trained to evaluate existing homes, MURBs (Multi Unit Residential Buildings), and new homes through the Net Zero program.

A graduate of the Environmental Studies Masters Program (and Environmental Education certificate) from York University, she has a keen interest in working on practical ways to mitigate climate change along with a strong desire to educate others on this issue along the way. Amy's hobbies include making and listening to music, hiking, and knitting socks for everyone she knows!

adam churchard | development coordinator

Adam is an environmental sustainability advocate with a background in fundraising, education, and community outreach. During his career he has had the opportunity to contribute to several important causes, including roles with Community Legal Education Ontario, York University, and the Toronto Environmental Alliance. He is excited to return to environmental work with reThink Green and help empower community driven climate action.

Adam’s educational background is in the social sciences. He holds a master's degree in international relations from McMaster University and a bachelor's degree in political science from Carleton University. In his spare time, you can find Adam hiking or out in his kayak.

amy tippin | climate innovation officer

Amy is a graduate of the Master of Science Communication program at Laurentian, and the Bachelor of Science program for Zoology out of the University of Guelph.

Throughout her career, Amy has been a part of several projects and campaigns across Ontario which have supported the better public understanding of natural science and climate science. This work served as inspiration for her thesis, Learning Impact of Youth Science Camps on Guardians as a Secondary Audience, which focused on how informal learning plays a role in families.

Amy believes that strong and clear communication is key to a green future for Canadians. She brings this belief to her work at reThink Green, as she strives to keep the Northern Ontario community tuned in to RTG efforts.