Northern Ontario’s champion for environmental action

reThink Green

Our innovative programs and events empower communities, businesses, non-profits, and individuals to learn about sustainability and take practical steps to reduce their emissions.

new approaches to a sustainable north.


By 2027, reThink Green as a leader across Northern Ontario, will share knowledge and spark inspiration to both provide and stimulate impactful action across three focus areas –sustainable⁽¹⁾ healthy communities, responsible environmental practices, and environmental leadership.


reThink Green is a community driver of sustainable and impactful climate change action.


To empower members through capacity building events, resources and knowledge sharing, collaboration, and community education opportunities.

land acknowledgement

reThink Green acknowledges that we are on aboriginal land that has been inhabited by Indigenous peoples from the beginning.

As settlers, we’re grateful for the opportunity to meet here and we thank all the generations of people who have taken care of this land – for thousands of years.

Long before today, as we gather here, there have been Indigenous peoples who have been the stewards of this place

In particular, we acknowledge the Robinson-Huron Treaty territory and the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek. 

We recognize and deeply appreciate their historic connection to this place. We also recognize the contributions of Métis, Inuit, and other Indigenous peoples have made, both in shaping and strengthening this community in particular, and our province and country as a whole.

As settlers, this recognition of the contributions and historic importance of Indigenous peoples must also be clearly and overtly connected to our collective commitment to make the promise and the challenge of Truth and Reconciliation real in our communities, and in particular to bring justice for missing and murdered indigenous relations across our country.